Sunday, October 30, 2022

Good News!!

 Dianne's husband just called me - the cat came back last night! He must have been hiding since the attack, but it's been quite cold and he probably hadn't eaten - anyway, Bill says he's got part of his tail gone, and some external injuries, but otherwise his appetite is good and he doesn't cry when they pick him up. She'll bring him to a vet tomorrow. 

I'm so relieved! And amazed.


  1. WOW!!! Thank God! This is like seeing a miracle! God bless this cat! ❤️๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ

    1. Yes, but get this - my brother went to tell the good news to the man next door, and it turns out that two days ago he ran over this cat with his rider mower. It was hiding in a pile of leaves - he didn't know it! That's where the tail got cut off - how many lives is this cat using up?

  2. Wonderful news on about the cat! xx

    1. Yes, I spoke to Dianne last night - we really can't believe it.
