Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Ah. That's how it is."

 I'd heard of Breaking Bread with the Dead by Alan Jacobs, and then someone returned a copy to the library today - I took it.

"I want to argue that you can't understand the place and time you're in by immersion; the opposite's true. You have to step out and away and back and forward, and you have to do it regularly. Then you come back to the here and now, and say: Ah. That's how it is."

The subtitle is: A Reader's Guide to a More Tranquil Mind. I am also reading Hard Times, and a biography of James Madison, so it seems I'm on the right track.

Monday, September 26, 2022

back again

 I really like blogging, but I was sick. I had very little inclination to be taking pictures. And now I'm out of the habit. 

So, what's new around here. My brother pulled up the plants in the big garden, and then it poured. I started washing the windows; this is wonderful, because they never got done in the spring. 

I started listening to the Close Reads podcast because they're reading A Gentleman in Moscow, and while it looks interesting, I don't think I'll get to it. But I can listen to their conversation, anyway.  

We have a new furry person in the family. I hope Annie will get used to her. Her name is Daisy, and she appeared outside my bosses house a couple of weeks ago, a kitten about four months old. Nobody claimed her, no chip. We thought Annie needed a friend, but it was tense at first. Things are better now. She is awfully sweet, a light-colored tabby. Annie looks like a big horse next to her, except horses don't growl. But it is better, and Annie seems to be going back to her previous routine. I want cats who love each other. We'll see.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

small fruits

 "When we are tempted to abandon our discipleship
    because we fear our virtues are too small to serve you,

                                                        - grant us the humility to recognize
                                                        that small fruits also feed the hungry

                                                                      - from Magnificat, September 2022

The emphasis is mine, because it struck me so.

Sunday, September 11, 2022


 "Only where the plough of God has tilled our lives can sowing bear fruit. An enduring deepening of the interior life can be brought about only through the plowing of repentance. Therefore our main task is to work for that spiritual revolution and re-evaluation which leads to metanoia - the fundamental transformation of mind and heart."

                                                                - Eberhard Arnold,   from Plough magazine, Autumn 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022

September things

 Oh, this morning - the golden light, the stillness. And the insects, whatever they are, always bzzzing in that background way that you almost don't notice, except that they weren't doing it earlier in the summer. Which means it's late summer. I don't think I mind it; I am tired of hot days and too much humidity.

A bunch of blackbirds came through afterword - they can't be getting ready to go back to wherever, can they? 

Three of my co-workers yesterday presented me with a heartfelt card and statuette of an angel holding a cat. I was fine until this episode, and then got teary-eyed. How kind. 

I've been thinking of Dolly in some sort of eternity, and hoping she's met Dave Brubeck by now. And Paul Desmond. I happened upon this old post which illustrates Dolly's appreciation for jazz, if you can stand it.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

a prayer before Labor Day

 "For our nation on Labor Day tomorrow: that we might grow in sanctity by offering our daily tasks to the Lord, and that all who are unemployed would soon find meaningful work."

- from Magnificat, September, 2022

Thursday, September 1, 2022

waiting for the glory

 I planted morning glory seeds late, I don't recall when, but maybe in June. I didn't want to think it was too late to be starting seeds, so I just did it. So, it's in a small pot on the back step and is twining around the rail, as you can see. It hasn't had a bloom yet. Why might this be? Because I didn't start it at the proper time? Because it knows it should be in a larger pot, or in the ground by now? I have fertilized it a few times. My plan was to wait for the blooms, then transplant it - well, there are two of them - over to the bridge, to twine around the railings there. I wonder what's the matter. 

After Dolly died, I felt I really should sew something, make something. In other words, occupy my mind with figuring out something. Here's a dress I like, but it's an old pattern and nobody seems to be selling it. However, I do have a dress pattern with a very similar bodice, so I'm going to have a look at it and see what can be done - the version I like is on the far right. I will have to turn my pattern from a crossover style to a one-piece bodice front, and raise the v-neck a little. It's been a while since doing anything like this, but it's not hard. 

Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,
Your hands swift to welcome,
Your arms to embrace,
Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray,
Your love in our hearts, Lord,
at the eve of the day.