Saturday, October 23, 2021

so long to Thrush Green and Coleridge

 I finally finished reading Malcolm Guite's Mariner, about Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. If textbooks were written like this, everyone would love school and learn better. And apparently it was STC's birthday the other day; a difficult life, but he held on to God throughout. And so I have only two things left on my reading challenge, and one is a 14th, 15th or 16th century book, or something about those eras. I'm going with Anthony Esolen's Inferno translation. I read the whole thing several years ago, and then wanted to try another translation, so I bought this and it's been on my shelf ever since. Meanwhile, so much time has gone by, and since I didn't keep the first one I can't compare them. I do like this so far, though. I also finished all the Thrush Green books from the library. It took me a long time, but they were very pleasant. And the last one, A Year at Thrush Green, or something like that, was especially nice for some reason. I was wondering if it might have been the last of the series because it seemed to make everything feel settled in a way. 

I am still getting used to Windows 10 and my laptop, while also trying to re-organize the pantry and wash windows. The computer is not at the top of the priority list. 

I have a little long and narrow pillow from the thrift store which I've meaning to hopefully cover in a nice way - it's got a thin layer of something over it which holds it together; but a small person somehow ripped this thin layer and now I have to remake that cover, too. It wasn't Dolly. (not that you thought it was)


  1. I am sure The Orphan feels it is her duty to make sure you don't become complacent and that you continue to have lots to do!
    I know I ought to read the Divine Comedy and I hope I do one day but at present I can't read anything too difficult or anything that means I have to concentrate too deeply. I think the Thrush Green and Fairacre books are probably about the level I need. They *are* nice books; one of my comfort reads.
    Computers aren't my priority at present either. There's too much clearing up in the garden to do and lots of housework. Windows 11 is in the offing so don't worry too much about Windows 10 xoxo

  2. I will tell Annie that somebody far away has her all figured out. :D I hear Windows 11 is better, so I just hope I won't have to pay for it.
    The Anthony Esolen is set up in a nice way, Clare - the Italian is on the left hand page (which I can ignore) and the English is well done and flows along, not to mention that because it's verse, the lines are short and don't even reach to the edge of the page. So I feel like I'm zipping along!
    Cheryl from Time To Craft said she feels autumn is too short this year. Are you having lots of wind? She said the leaves were going down almost before they could turn color.

  3. Yes, it has been windy and the leaves are falling earlier than normal. We have quite a bit of leaf colour after a frost and a few chilly nights. I will look for the Anthony Esolen translation and put it on my wish list xoxo
