Thursday, March 7, 2019

caught red-handed

Picture taken through the curtain, in a hurry. He's actually sitting in the bowl of seed, which is in this urn. Hey, I don't mind - it's been cold.


  1. Great shot, Lisa! My camera and phone would have insisted on focusing on the curtain! Poor cold squirrel <3

    1. Thanks, Clare. Yes, I can be magnanimous because the end of winter is nigh. :)

  2. While I type, a squirrel, the first ever sighted in 29 years here, is eating bird seed from my patio. I ran him off a few minutes ago but he just looked at me from up in the pine tree. I am not happy about this, because any moment I expect he'll be up on the feeders making a mess of things and I'll be buying more seed than ever. Will he bring all his friends and family from the creekside now??

    1. Wow! Our regular bird feeder, on the pole, has a baffle to keep them away. That's why I don't mind so much to see one eating out of the bowl out front. And, it's the end of winter; we don't feed them in the warm weather. But I don't know what to tell you, Gretchen - the first you've ever seen there, so who knows if he's just passing through, or will bring all his relations by. You may have to alter your arrangements there.

  3. I've been putting out suet blocks in this little metal cage-style feeder for the birds. The squirrels can join in too, but the birds are my main target. BUT! The squirrels have little fingers and have figured out how to unlatch the cage feeder so they can make off with the whole puck! They take it up into the pine boughs and eat and eat and eat. They are going to be the portliest squirrels in the neighborhood at this rate! It cracks me up though.

    I am quite certain both our fuzzy visitors are happier for our offerings! :)
