Wednesday, September 4, 2024

time to take time

 I took this week off from work, and it couldn't be better, weather-wise. Sunny but dry, most days. Dreamy. I'm doing what I want, every day, within reason, of course. Doing what needs to be done, and enjoying nature. 

"...being attentive to the times of the day: when the birds began to sing, and the deer came out of the morning fog, and the sun came up. The reason why we don't take time is a feeling that we have to keep moving. This is a real sickness. We live in the fullness of time. Every moment is God's own good time, His kairos. The whole thing boils down to giving ourselves in prayer a chance to realize that we have what we seek. We don't have to rush after it. It was there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us."

                                                 -   Thomas Merton 


  1. "We live in the fullness of time." I think that is how I feel many days <3

    Gretchen Joanna

  2. Also, I'm so happy for you that you were able to take a week to stay home! I know how nourishing that kind of time can be.
