Friday, September 6, 2024

keeping it all together

 Well, my time off has been lovely; a friend was over for lunch Wednesday. But then yesterday I felt like I might be coming down with something and I've been resting a lot these two days. It could be allergies, or even resulting from too many late nights and still waking up early - it does catch up with one.

I've grabbed a Jane Austen mystery for entertainment, the fourth one. I tend to forget the murderer's identity when I re-read a mystery, and just enjoy the writing. 

I desperately needed a new bedspread or quilt - whatever. I ended up getting a duvet cover. I don't have a duvet - all these European words that we didn't used to use; I always called it a comforter, or puff - I've got plenty of quilts, throws and blankets, and don't need or want one. My intention in buying this was to stuff it with quilt batting and machine-stitch it. When it arrived, I gave up the idea. It is so tightly woven, like a quality sheet, that it would be a pain to work with in that way. I love it as us, and just lay it over the bed. It's so pretty, and I got it on sale.

The colors blend harmoniously with the overall scheme of the house, which I'm trying harder to stick to.

"One can do nothing, you know, without one pays homage to the genius of the place."

                                           -   from Jane and the Genius of the Place, by Stephanie Barron


  1. I am so pleased you have had an enjoyable week away from work despite feeling under-the-weather towards the end of the week. I hope you are feeling better. The duvet cover is so very pretty! :)

    1. I am much better, Clare. Thank you! At least I was able to relax, and my brother was on retreat for two days, so I really only had to think of the cats!

  2. That is very pretty! I love all kinds of household linens and bedding, and can't always resist buying a new blanket or something that I don't absolutely need... Recently I inherited several old quilts that washed up beautifully, and now I really don't need the coverlets and blankets that I drool over in the catalogs. But I might buy one anyway, because I will soon be adding another queen bed to the house. How to choose colors and patterns for a bedskirt and such -- I'm not confident about that kind of thing.

    1. Gretchen, it's very nice to have plenty of throws around in case of a need, right? Just like the woman in Proverbs. :) Good to be prepared!

  3. I have had the same feeling of "coming down with something," but think, like you, that it may be from too many late nights. I need to work on that! I will check out "Jane and the Genius of the Place."

    1. Mary, if you like Jane Austen and like mysteries, I would suggest you get these in order. It would be better.
