Monday, August 5, 2024

summer things

 We had a humdinger of a storm yesterday, while having dessert and trying to do the wordle. It wasn't dark and threatening, but very loud and bangy. It was dangerous enough - there was a "severe thunderstorm warning", as they call it. 

And the humidity: it's been a rough summer in that way. A week or so ago, I was recalling how I used to bring Dolly out and we'd sit outside on a quilt for a while - often. I realized I wasn't doing anything of that sort, and determined to start. But - well, frankly, when it's ninety out and very humid, it isn't conducive to any kind of enjoyment. So, I'm in the house, keeping busy. This week is going to be very much cooler but still humid. We'll have to see how that feels.

I wore my blue skirt to work the other day and found that the buckles on my sandals - both feet - were catching on the hand-stitched hem. This skirt is down near my ankles. So I'm going to have to machine-sew it. Most modern store-bought clothing has a machine sewn hem, but it's nice when you make your own things to hand sew it. Not this time, though.

I was unprepared for dinner today, so I whipped together another cassoulet with lots of fresh vegetables and some leftover meat. It worked, even though I'd hardly plan such a meal at this time of year. But of course the air was on all day. We had to eat something. The ingredients I used wouldn't have half so nice if served up separately. 

My beloved bedroom chair is a painted rattan, and the cats - well, mostly Daisy - have been picking at it on the lower legs. She has taken off parts of the wicker that goes around the leg, peeling it off, so to speak. I got some tape of the same dark green color and covered those areas. Now it looks so much better. 

You can see they also pick at the rug. And everything else in the house. 

I have almost finished The Yearling, but I know what happens. I looked ahead the other day - why, I can't say what caused me to. And I was sorry, so sorry that I thought I couldn't finish the book. But after a while I remembered how I'd been liking it, the writing, the well-drawn characters, and I'd known to expect a difficult ending. But I didn't guess how painful it would be. But I decided to keep reading, and I'm just about at the hard point now. That's all I'm going to say.

May the Lord, our God, bless us in all our works and undertakings. Amen.
Deuteronomy 15:10


  1. I find it so difficult these days to read traumatic/sad etc. books. In my young days I could do it, before I had known real sorrow. Now, I either decide the book isn't for me (if I know it is going to be heartbreaking or horrific) or I read ahead and then leave the book for a day or so (to acclimatise myself, so to speak) and then gradually approach the difficult bit. I hope you have been able to finish the book by now as I have heard it is a wonderful story.
    Your naughty cats! I remember the wrecked furniture and carpets when we used to have cats. They were never interested in scratching posts, they much prefered the sofa or the rug!

    1. Yes, you really do have to pace it, in reading something like this. As for scratching posts, oh, our cats use that, too! They just like variety. :D

    2. I don't know why my comment on my own blog is anonymous. 8-O

    3. That is so strange but amusing too. These blogging sites now have so many little safety features (Wordpress is the same) that the whole process of posting something has become quite convoluted. When I comment on your posts I am asked to decide what my URL is and what I wish to call myself and then click on it. If I forget to do this I am 'anonymous'.
