Thursday, July 18, 2024

big hopes

 Every rabbit we see outside get scrutinized for any sign of scarring on the right side, or fur that looks wonky, looking for our little patient. Today I saw a full-grown rabbit with a bit of fur sticking out on his right side. He was with a little one and I got lots of closeups. 

His fur has different shadings than the little guy, who has a more uniform color. And the big guy has a dark spot on his back. The fur had peeled off the back and we'd put it back in place. It was off completely on an area on the right side. 

His coloring is much more even on the left side. So, is this our friend? Who knows. But we would sure like to know he come through it all right. They can die from fright or stress.

In other news, I had put in the elastic waist on my skirt, but it was too poofy. Lawn is soft and does have a sort of drape, but not much weight. So, I removed the elastic and trimmed a bit off the upper edge, thinking I'd just make a waistband. Until it dawned on me that I'd also have to put in a zipper; I didn't want to do that; I didn't want to unpick a French seam on a lightweight fabric. So I decided to put in a few small pleats to take away some of the fullness. So far, so good. But then I had to cut a piece to make a casing to take the place of the part I'd cut off - anyway, I think it'll be all right now. But I have to try it on.

Huw Richards - love his youtube channel!

I'm reading The Yearling and liking it very much, although I hear it's a tear jerker. The library copy is well worn.

And I am also making my slow way through Esther de Waal's Seeking God: the Way of St. Benedict.

"Your way of acting should be different from the 
world's way: the love of Christ must come before all else. 
You are not to act in anger
or nurse a grudge.
Rid your heart of all deceit.
Never give a hollow greeting of peace
or turn away when someone needs your love."

- from the Rule of St. Benedict

A man who, while remembering God, respects every man,
 by a hidden movement of God's hand himself receives
 help from every man.
A man who protects the injured has God as his helper; 
a man who stretches his hand to aid his brother 
has God's arm to support him.

Isaac of Syria

"Continue to keep a warm love for me....I cannot be with you
physically but my heart is always with you. 
Like me make efforts to win friends everywhere....Do not think
you will ever have enough. Be bound to all, whether rich or poor,
in brotherly sympathy. This letter is a document of the heart."

-   St, Anselm of Canterbury, 1093 

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be good if that rabbit was your special rabbit!
    I am constantly in awe of the way you are never afraid to adapt patterns if you don't quite like the original! I just can't do it :D
    Two or three years ago we did a Lent course at church which followed the teachings of St Benedict and this prompted me to buy a book called "The Way of Benedict - Eight Blessings for Lent" by Laurentia Johns who is a sister at Stanbrook Abbey. I love this book!
