Saturday, July 20, 2024

a civilization of death

 Last Sunday at mass, probably during what we call the general intercessions, Fr. T. mentioned the attempt on Donald Trump's life the day before. He wasn't getting political, but he had something to say. 

He spoke of a "civilization of death". He said an assassination attempt was a kind of blasphemy, to try to take the life of another, as if the sacrifice of Christ was not enough - that the death of someone would be necessary to make another person feel better. It was strong language - between his thoughts on this and the peaceful chanting of the visiting priest, it was a lot to digest.

Mother, now that the need is
at its greatest and the powers
of darkness seem to have free
rein, we come to you with
childlike trust and implore
your powerful aid. We
consecrate ourselves to you.
Preserve us in the love of
your Son, protect us from the 
evil of this world and lead us
safe to the heart of God.

- from Aid to the Church in Need


  1. Amen! Now that the schools have shut for the summer there are many disaffected young people loose on the streets. The killings have begun - two teenagers in London have been killed in the past week. Why do they have the need to kill someone?

    1. That's awful, Clare! And it reminds me of "A Clockwork Orange", which has come up at the library recently; a patron was concerned that the book is in the young adult section. I agree with this: just because it's about a fifteen year old doesn't mean young people can relate to it! I read that book years ago!
