Sunday, June 9, 2024


 I was just watching an adult rabbit and a young one grazing in the lawn. Then the baby hopped right through the fence around the garden, and disappeared inside. Maybe he was born in there, as happened a few years ago. Anyway, we'll see.  

I have four squares in that area, and plants in only one (weeds in the other four). There are curly parsley, red onions, Italian beans, cabbage and a butternut squash plant. There were two of those but one disappeared shortly after I planted the two. It's quite overgrown in here, especially around the perimeter, where tall grasses are growing. But I saw a rabbit reaching up and eating those, so now I'm almost glad they're there. 

Tried starting some watermelon, but even after a week nothing happened. I'm doing it again in a wet paper towel, and have got some zinnia seeds in the little pot, and borage seedlings outside, getting bigger.

"This is the singing month. Rambler roses everywhere, over white picket fences, over grey stone walls, climbing old well-houses, blooming on lattices in old-fashioned gardens. The whole green countryside is laced with shell pink, ivory white and rose red. The sky sings, too, such a deep tranquil blue. I think I can hear the horns of elf-land faintly blowing as I go out to the Quiet Garden to shell peas."
                                                    -   Gladys Taber

To live a contemplative life is to live at depth;
to live below the surface in the
 world of faith, 
the world of reality and not appearances. 

- Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.


  1. Hi, Lisa! I wish you good luck with your gardening!

  2. Gardening is so satisfying. It's lovely that you have enough time and energy to putter about with seeds and plants. I hope the rabbits don't eat too much!

    Gretchen Joanna

    1. Boy, do I have a rabbit story! But they don't seem to eat my plants, even though they pop in and out of the garden. So far, we live in harmony.
