Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 The so-called Christmas cactus at the library.

 A woman actually asked me one day how I was caring for it. I had nothing to tell her. I water it a couple of times a week - it's in a good spot! I don't know.


  1. That's all I ever do with mine! I have two which are reflowering at this moment! I have some more which are cuttings from a large plant which has since died. The old plant flowered beautifully every year but none of the plants from cuttings have managed to make more than one or two little flowers each year. I treat them all the same so I can't make that out at all! I keep threatening to get rid of them but I keep giving them one more chance - more fool me!

    1. Clare, I should also say this big plant has been in that pot as long as I've worked at the library: 37 years? It's mostly plant, not much visible dirt. Maybe that's part of it, because I know many plants like to be root-bound. Also, in September, I do stop watering it twice a week, and do it only once per week. But to have it bloom now - well, I have no explanation. :D

  2. That's a pretty one! When a plant likes the care it's getting, and the location, it's a wondrous thing!

    Gretchen Joanna
