Tuesday, February 13, 2024

a big dose of snow magic

 Well, it's done snowing; we got roughly a foot. It was supposed to continue till seven o'clock this evening, but things have turned east. That part of the magic is over. 

Most of these photos were taken around seven this morning. It was so enchanting I kept going from window to window, noticing the dancing snowflakes,

the wet snow sticking to all the shrubbery around.

The contrast of color here and there against the mostly white landscape

and just the general fluffiness of it all. I have seen it a hundred times, but never tire of it when it comes again.

sort of a fishbowl effect here - I like it!


  1. Natsha sent me two lovely photos of their snow! I tried to put a link, from your blog on mine, about the snow on the post I just published, but blogger wouldn't let me :(
    Enjoy your snow!! xx

    1. I saw the pretty pictures! I don't know why blogger is so testy sometimes.

  2. So pretty! Yet again we haven't had any snow here this winter.

    1. You must be thinking of spring by now, in your country. I know Charles Dowding is, in his videos!

    2. Yes, we are; the birds are too as they are singing so prettily and the daffodils are just beginning to bloom. If only the rain would stop!!
