Wednesday, January 10, 2024

that deep, Christmas red

 There is a very nice shop in town, and I like to at least go there before Christmas, when they have a good sale. 

This year I noticed that the shade of red they choose is consistent year after year.

The napkins were purchased several years ago, after the holidays; they were on clearance. They're so nice, they don't need ironing, but are cotton. I got the center table runner a year ago, and they look fine together.

This year, I bought four placemats in that same red, with white snowflakes on them. Very nice.


  1. That seems to me like a true, Christmasy, classic red! I've noticed that some of the cheaper versions of tablecloths and clothes sold at Christmastime are more orangey-bright, and I don't like them. And a lot of clothes are more muted, maybe tending toward purple tones, which I don't mind as much as the orangey ones.

    Every year when Christmas approaches, I wish that I had more red clothes, (not of the ugly sweater variety!). But I never do anything about it.

    Gretchen Joanna

    1. To just buy new red items just to wear for Christmas would be an artificial way of going about it. You need to just find something naturally. :)

    2. Then, I need to make a point of going to thrift stores more often, so that I will "naturally" find something. Part of the problem is that I don't want to spend a lot to buy something new that is *too* red and Christmasy and therefore not very usable. Shopping generally doesn't come naturally to me, I guess.


  2. These pieces of table linen really do look good and the red is the same shade! Amazing!

    1. Yes, and I never thought about it when I bought the items, so it's really a nice thing!

  3. Red is not a colour I wear, or have much of in my home, but I do like it at Christmas time. It's a very 'festive' colour.
    My laptop keeps telling me I'm spelling 'colour' wrong, but I'm sticking to my 'British English'! :) xx

    1. Yes, resist the tyranny of the internet!
      I love red at this time of year, when the light is more scarce. It livens up the house wonderfully.
      I surprised myself by buying a red sweater this year, and now that Christmas is (mostly) gone, I'm wondering if I want to put it away or keep wearing it.
