Saturday, January 13, 2024

enjoying it while we had it

 We had a snowy day at last. I'll call it a Christmas snow since we are still in the "greater" Christmas/Epiphany season. But it went quickly, after a warm day and then rain, more rain. 

I often wonder how my raised beds are doing out there, in so much wet. It rained again overnight, hard, and the wind howled; I was surprised the barrels stayed upright. It ended up a warm day, though, and I even opened some windows. But now the cold air is coming.

Meanwhile, the Three Kings left - they never can stay long because of Herod. So things are quieting down. 

I wanted some color outside and there are these silk poinsettias I don't seem to use in the house - I stuck them in the dirt, and there they have been at least two weeks. They're like the mail carrier: outside in sleet and snow and all weathers, uncomplaining.


  1. I love that the cardinal knew you needed some colour outside!

    1. They look so in the snow! They also look pretty in the green grass. :)

  2. I brought home a poinsettia when the church decorations were updated, and will keep it as long as it looks nice, for winter cheer. I'd love to have a cardinal, too, but that would be quite unnatural for this place.

    Gretchen Joanna

  3. I am so happy that our cardinals have returned. Mary @ Hilltop Post

    1. Now that's interesting - ours stick around all year.
