Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 Grace Hamman has a monthly newsletter on substack called Medievalish, sent out every 12th. The November one included a beautiful poem/prayer by Christina Rossetti. I tried to find it online because I wanted to know the title, but couldn't find it. It's from a book of hers called The Face of the Deep. I have to post it here, I like it so much.

O Lord Jesus, who knowest them that are thine,
when thou rewardest thy servants the prophets, remember we beseech thee,
for good those who have taught us, 
counseled us,
guided us,
and in that day show them mercy.

When thou rewardest the saints remember, we beseech thee,
for good those who have surrounded us with holy influences,
borne with us,
forgiven us,
sacrificed themselves for us,
loved us,
and in that day show them mercy.

Nor forget any,

nor forget us,

But in that day show us mercy, O Lord,
thou Lover of Souls.
