Monday, November 6, 2023

fall evening outside

When you're comfortable in the house, and you have to step out briefly and you get chilly - it makes you shrink from going out again. But all you need is the proper attire and it becomes a pleasure to go out. 

It was cool today, but still nice out. I hadn't done anything in the fresh air and it would be dark in an hour. I was going to start on the dinner at four, but I put on my wellies and down vest and went outside to prune the rugosa. 

I have to do this late pruning, because the rose bushes are right near the driveway and I know when it snows, the canes will bend over too far, so I have to cut them. Meanwhile, the sun was getting low and things in the back yard were starting to turn coppery.

Then, my brother helped me with the last slats of the not-so-good raised bed and it was so bracing to be out. The sun was going down across the street.

And then I went in and made the soup.

"The yard is full of yellow maple leaves, turning a reluctant brown but not yet disintegrating. They have cooled all night, soaking up rain or dew, and in the early morning warmth they dry out, rustle again, and give off a pleasant fragrance."

                                                               -   Rachel Peden


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