Thursday, September 28, 2023

Daisy and the daisies, among other things

 I've read that is one has lots of debt in several places, it's best to pay off the smallest, then the next, and so on. Well, I've been on so many book tangents this summer, I told myself to just go back and finish something that's been dangling for too long. So, I'm trying to finish up with From Laurel Hill to Siler's Bog, which is after all very well written, but I just kept drifting away from it. I am also poking in and out of Gladys Taber for the appropriate month, since her books almost always are chaptered for each month. And then there's the H. G. Wells, where our two "heroes" are now on the moon and running into difficulties. I wonder how that will end.

I ordered a raised bed, and after the rainy weather, today the sun came out and I really had to set it up. 

I told you it was a mess out there, but I'll bet you thought I was exaggerating.

I haven't touched anything for two months or more. Anyway, I don't want to try and pull up the weeds: too much work, and if I just cover them over, they'll decompose and add nutrients to the soil. I am so glad to have raised beds now; do you see the standing water there? Such a wet summer.

I first laid out some paper of various kinds and set up the bed on top of it very easily. I've been saving cardboard and I put some of it in, but will continue another day. Now that I know it's a nice design I can order another bed. Did I say it smells heavenly? Spruce wood.

I enjoyed the warm sun, and there were goldenrod and asters everywhere.

I cut some asters, remembering that tomorrow is Michaelmas. I arranged them and really wanted to set up a little vignette on the table, but - we know that's impossible.

 She was all over it the minute I put it there. And, she was starting to chew. I whisked it away to a safer spot.

"For me, September is a nostalgic month. I always think back to the football games and the late picnics when I was growing up. In the little college town, the ivy on the gray stone buildings was tinged with red, the sun shone on the campus, woodsmoke drifted in the air. The professors hurried along the crosswalk with their lecture notes under their arms and dreamy smiles on their academic faces."

                                                             -  Gladys Taber


  1. Lovely! Cute about Daisy. We have rain again today! It has?been a different summer hasn't it?

    1. It certainly has. And raining now, and all day. And part of tomorrow!

  2. The asters and the cat make a lovely vignette. Your raised bed is going to be wonderful. And, hopefully, very productive. Mary
