Monday, May 8, 2023

this is May

 I awoke this morning to such pleasant sounds: a car going by, a crow cawing, and conversation in the forsythia hedge. I don't know if the catbirds are back yet, but it didn't seem like finches talking. My neighbor's apple is blooming beautifully, and I'm looking for orioles but haven't seen any yet. However, I keep getting whiffs of something sweet; it's too soon for roses, so I looked up apple blossoms, and yes - they have a scent. It's lovely! It will be in the seventies this week and really feels like spring. May is probably the greenest month, since when the heat comes the grass loses some color. 

the apple tree next door

Our own apple tree has loads of blooms, too. We'll see what that brings


  1. I love the scent of apple blossom. It is rose-like and so sweet!

  2. It all sounds beautifully springtimey! I think I need some apple trees to stick my nose into...

    Gretchen Joanna

  3. What a lovely way to start the day! The blooming trees and green things here have been delighting me left and right. Our campus is simply gorgeous this time of year. And we saw the Blue Jays were back! Hooray for our bird neighbors!

    1. Blue jays, back? Our don't leave in winter!

    2. Gosh birds are cool. This made me look at a bunch of range maps--online and in my bird books....and the blue jay maps are pretty inconsistent really. Interesting! We've had them nesting the last handful of years, but they go somewhere else for the winter. Same at my inlaws. I love the sounds the blue jays make. I need to go buy some peanuts for my feeder. :)
