Monday, May 1, 2023

a birthday story, no pictures

 Yesterday was Tabby Cat Day and today was Daisy's birthday, according to the vet's calculations. She's a year old, but I'm not sure a bit wiser.

My brother began his day by getting up at five thirty and going to the basement to clean the litter boxes. Why, you may ask? Why so early? Well, he said, because the two were bothering him - it's light by five thirty now, and they are getting active at that time. He couldn't sleep because of them, so he gave them some food, and went downstairs. 

And that's where he noticed it - rather than describe it as a large, brown area, which might alarm you - I'll explain that we've got a couple of bags of potting soil down there, and one of them was not small and was closed with a rubber band. The band appeared yesterday upstairs, and we wondered where from. This morning the potting soil was all spread out - around a large area down there. It was so much, that it couldn't be vacuumed up, so he had to scoop it until it could be vacuumed. 

Incredible. So that's how Daisy's birthday began.