Saturday, January 14, 2023

not over yet

 It snowed a little bit this morning again, but then melted into the damp, warm ground shortly after. I feel hesitant to complain, since maybe winter will just have a late start - it's happened before. 

I appreciate every. flake. A bit of snow changes the vibe for the whole day.

There's a Polish group at church - maybe a prayer group or Bible study or both? I don't know, but they had a Christmas party last Sunday, with an invitation to everyone to come; it was a potluck. I don't have any Polish dishes I make, so I just roasted carrots with cranberries, maple syrup, orange peel, and seasonings and brought it. We were two of three American-born folks there, but it was very enjoyable; we sant Polish carols afterward, which was great, I miss singing them since we stopped going to the Polish language Mass. We were there two and a half hours. 

I put away the Three Kings and also some more glittery decorations. On the way to the supermarket we also saw a neighbor taking lights off a tree in his front yard, but another house on the main road which still has pretty lights along the front fence. Christmas is still on.


  1. Lisa, Your blog is such a blessing to me tonight.
    Jennifer C-L

  2. I'm so glad, Jennifer! Thank you.

  3. Our priest in his homily yesterday mentioned the "reverberations" of Christmas that continue until The Presentation of Christ, just as you reminded me last week <3

    1. Ah! And it's my aim to encourage those reverberations, and not stifle them!

  4. I too have been cherishing the snow when it falls and missing the usual winter weather! The last couple months since we talked were full ones, but things are quieter now and I'm looking forward to seeing you at the library soon and doing a bit of sewing together when we find the time. I wish I could remember your new schedule. Do you feel comfortable posting it here?
