Thursday, December 15, 2022

Christmas preparations

 I'm making very slow progress on my plaid skirt; at this time of year, there are multitudes of extra things to be done. You have to decide which thing to do. 

Like make a batch of gingerbread spice. That was important. 

When, in the mornings, I ponder all the things I'd like to do, need to do, feel I should do, etc., in the course of the day, I've been asking myself, what is it that you'll be glad you did, at the end of the day? That clarifies everything for me!  It's the balance I'm always searching for. 

I put on my gaudy Christmas apron today, and baked a gingerbread for a birthday cake next week. I did not use the aforementioned spice mixture, as I like the recipe as it is; it's something I pinned because I liked the way it looked. This is it, and it actually reminds me of something they used to sell at the grocery store when I was a kid, called Spanish Bar Cake - do you remember it? Do they still make it? It had raisins inside, and I think it was spicy - it may have been a gingerbread. I wouldn't want to read the ingredient list now, but it looked like this photo, and I'm sure that's what drew me to it. Anyway, mine is safely in the freezer, and I'll make the cream cheese frosting on Monday (the Spanish Bar cake had regular frosting, a "buttercream".) 

I realize I don't mention the cats much. Dolly was very photogenic, and she was often surprising us in interesting ways. Daisy is so young and active that it's hard to get her to stop moving. 

None of these photos are any good. But they illustrate my point. But here's something -

And speaking of Christmas trees, I am throwing out our old one - the lights don't work and it sheds. I think Daisy would eat the "leaves"; she puts all sorts of things in her mouth. If we bought a new tree, it would have to be so dense that they couldn't climb it, and with the realistic type of needles which would hopefully be unpleasant to chew on. Last year, Annie went inside our tree and laid on some lower branches - she bent them down, and they wouldn't bend back; there was a big gap there afterward. So I'm not sure what the solution is. I'm pondering a three-foot tabletop model for the time being. I don't know - time is passing, and maybe if I put enough decorations out, it can look festive enough. But I do love a Christmas tree! 

Anyway, there's a lot to do, isn't there?

For any birth makes an inconvenient demand; like all holy things.*

-  from Christmas and Common Birth by Anne Ridler

*taken from Malcolm Guite's Waiting for the Word


  1. I read about a family who did foster care and for many years had toddlers at Christmastime, who would get entangled with the Christmas tree. So they started hanging the tree upside down from the ceiling. It got to be such beloved tradition that long after there were rambunctious children around, they kept doing it. I don't think that would be a solution for cats, but I do think about it every year.

    This year I am not putting up any kind of tree because I won't be here for Christmas and didn't have any kind of social gathering at the house, either. I'm thinking of getting another faux tree in the future, but not full size... The lovely one I had for several years wasn't so lovely the last year because one string of its lights would not light, and it was quite a production for me to put up...

    1. I've heard of the upside-down trees, too - no way I would EVER do that! Seems like a sacrilege. :D

  2. It is such a busy time of year and the to-do lists are so long! I want to read my book and get on with my knitting but....
    Your Daisy has such pretty fur - and such big ears! When I was still living at home with my parents we had a cat who loved Christmas, especially the Christmas tree decorations. At that time no-one ever had an artificial Christmas tree and because of the spiky needles and the sap our cats didn't climb it. Decorating it was made difficult because of this one cat who would steal all the baubles out of their boxes and play with them until they broke or were so scuffed they couldn't be used. Eventually we had to shut him out of the sitting room until we had finished while he howled piteously outside the door! He never grew out of it!
    The gingerbread looks gorgeous! :)

    1. The big looking ears might be due to distortion from the point-and-shoot camera, Clare. But now I'll have to look at her again! :D Her fur is pretty, I agree, and very silky. She and Annie got into a closet today that had some bags of dry food they rarely get (but they want it!) Naughty cats!
      That's a cute story - who can fault anyone for loving Christmas? (but really, quite aggravating, for both parties)
