Thursday, October 20, 2022

the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord

I am already finished with the reading challenge I was following! I didn't expect it. It's the third year they've issued one, and I didn't finish the first. The second, I barely made it, but it felt like work. And then when they offered this year's, Angelina said that the books she wanted to read just seemed to fit into the reading challenge. This seemed incredible to me, but I thought I'd try it. And that's just how it was! So, it's October and I'm done. Not done reading, though. 


I heard a loud thud coming from the living room, and was almost afraid to look. But Daisy had knocked over the scratching post, and was wrestling with it. She's done this more than once - I guess she wants to teach it a thing or two. So cute. 

I feel inclined to re-read Matthew Crawford's Shop Class as Soulcraft. He is a motorcycle mechanic, among other things and he sees a problem in our distance from understanding how things work, things which are among us as everyday objects. He says: "A decline in tool use would seem to betoken a shift in our relationship to our own stuff: more passive and more dependent." I think of sewing; I need to make time for my projects, rather than hope I can fit them in. It's been a real problem lately. 

My brother just called to me - Daisy ate a piece of tomato. I tried to tell him she'd done this before - hadn't she? But no, it was Annie. (Having a blog can be very useful at times.) So, it seems we have tomato-eating cats. Not sure it's a good thing.

We have marigolds still thriving outside, and I know calendula is in lots of homemade salves, good for soothing the skin. But I think ours are tagetes, not calendula, so I will not be making anything with them. 


  1. Nice pictures! Funny cats! Tomatoes 🍅! Fun about the reading challenge!

  2. I had one of those cat scratch posts for Freya, but after it 'attacked' her a few times she would not have anything to do with it. She much prefers to use my chairs as they do not fall on top of her :)) xx

    1. None of our other cats have ever been so vigorous in their scratchings as Daisy is, but she seems to enjoy the tussle with it when it tips over. You don't seem to mind that your household is crumbling around you. :D

    2. It's not quite crumbling yet :)
      And I do discourage her. As much as possible :)) xx

  3. I didn't know calendulas were in the marigold family. Your marigolds look beautiful still! But they don't look like what I know as calendulas.... I'll have to go look into this. I am always trying to grow calendulas, and never trying for marigolds.

    1. Maybe they aren't marigolds, and I'm just imagining it!

  4. I was confused at first, at your linking calendulas and marigolds. So I looked them up just now and remembered that calendulas are called Pot Marigolds. But they're very different plants, and what I have known forever as simply *marigolds* are more precisely French Marigolds. And they are poisonous, unlike the Calendula Officinalis which are edible! I had no idea of the many uses of the word "marigold."

    I am always trying to grow calendulas, and never trying for (French) Marigolds. But yours are so pretty, they might change my mind!

    1. Well, now I know something. Thanks for the info, Gretchen. And I'm glad I looked it up before I decided to make a salve out of these! Good grief.
