Sunday, October 31, 2021

another Halloween record

 Well, we had a record one hundred and eighty four kids come for candy tonight. But we still bought way too much candy, so the leftovers are going to the local soup kitchen. Dolly was more interested in the jazz cd I was playing, but Annie was very excited about all the activity. We had princesses, two fisherman with poles and a "fish" hanging at the end, ghouls galore and one Grim Reaper, a parachuter, a bottle of ketchup and a girl who was carrying a rabbit! It was real, I petted it! There was a large, inflated dinosaur who had a hard time coming up the steps; as she went down I heard her advise the others to never buy an inflatable costume.

A lot of dads brought their children, and four of them were glad to take a chocolate bar for themselves when asked.

But the piece de resistance was a young man dressed like the fellows who guard the Queen's palace - you know, the red uniform with a tall, black fuzzy hat. I got excited and asked if he'd met the Queen, but he said no. I told him he should say yes. He was a Scots Guard, I think, as there was no colored feather on his head gear. The day was dreamy, and the evening was lovely. 


  1. Error in my bookmarking! I've missed some posts! We had a small Halloween parade with the few children who live on our street, fewer than ten, perhaps. There is some candy remaining. It may find a way into a baking project.

  2. My goodness! What a lot of visitors and you still have some candy left over?!

    1. The candy bars are so small, Clare. I always end up giving two to the older kids, or near the end just giving everybody two. But for some reason, we didn't do that enough, I guess. The soup kitchen got the leftovers.

  3. That sounds like a very busy evening! I had 35 kids come to my door, and that felt busy enough. I try to be as friendly as possible as I hand out candy, but sometimes I just don't know what to say about the costumes. The children all seem to be happy in any case, that I talk to them and look at them, and drop a little something in their (usually already heavy) sacks.

    My late husband used to love giving out candy at Halloween, and I think he was better at it, too! I was thinking it might be nice to find a friend to come over and help me on Halloween; the most important thing that would help would be just the presence of another person before whom I would be ashamed to eat so much candy myself!
