Friday, August 20, 2021

our Sweetie pie

 Our poor Sweetie passed away on Tuesday. It was a long time that she couldn't groom herself or feed herself and we tried to do it for her, but it was hard.

I had forgotten that she ever weighed this much. We had to break with the traveling vet - she wanted us to euthanize her and she almost had us convinced to do it. But the reality was that Sweetie still wanted to come sleep on our pillows at night, purring like she always had, and even two nights before she died she came in my room, a creature of her little habits. She was a survivor and it was clear to us she wanted to keep going, so we did. And our local vet understood this. 

Fly away, little Tweetie Bird, fly away! Rest in peace.


  1. Oh God bless you all!! Losing such beloved cats is hard. HUGS to you ❤🐈🐱

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. We have them for such short times. She does look like a sweet tortie girl who was no doubt dearly loved by you. Condolences.

    1. Thank you kindly, Elsa Louise! Yes, she was sixteen but with us only five years. She had the attitude that torties seem to have, but she was a nice kitty. :)

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Sweetie. She was blessed to have you and your brother's love and care. xx

    1. The bittersweet irony of it is that the day Sweetie passed, was the day I found my Freya (at the cat shelter), who is also a little tortoiseshell, and looks so much like your dear little one! But I felt bad that you had just lost one and I had just found one :(
      And I didn't know if I should tell you. xx

    2. Oh, my goodness Lynda - you finally have a kitty! I'll be waiting to see a photo.
      I'm okay with it, but it was nice of you to be concerned. We're getting used to her not being around. xo
