Thursday, October 15, 2020

blue sky, low sugar and easy stew

 Today could only be described as magnificent - deep blue above, bright leaves, in the warm seventies and quite windy. I do like the wind. 

it was really bluer than this

I washed another window; it was a heavenly experience! Rain tomorrow, and then below sixty on Saturday; I was so fortunate to have this lovely day off.

Great news: Dolly had her blood tested again and it's down to 195! I'm amazed! This is about a hundred points below my expectation. 

I made stew in the crock-pot today - I definitely prefer it on the stove, where I can have more control while it's cooking. But the trade-off is that I was able to work around here all day and not have to think about dinner afterward.


  1. I do envy you your beautiful day; and warmth as well! We have had so many gloomy wet days and we have a cool northerly wind, too.
    Hurrah for Dolly!

    1. I hope you have some nice fall weather soon, Clare. :)

  2. When washing a window is a heavenly experience, you know you are in the true (Holy) spirit of homemaking!

    1. Gretchen, the heavenly part of it was the warm and sunny wind that was blowing on me. :D But I will try to keep to that spirit of homemaking! :)
