Monday, July 6, 2020

that still, small voice

My brother just told me a story; he was intent on my hearing it - it was his confession.

He was not further than a mile away from our home this morning, doing errands, and noticed a dead squirrel in the street that had been hit. He usually stops and moves these creatures to the roadside, so they don't get run over - even though past help, it still seems the right thing. But he didn't listen to that inner voice as he was in a hurry, trying to make good time. When he passed by again, someone had run over the squirrel.

A little later he returned that way and there was a dead hawk in the spot; it had stopped to eat and someone else had come along and hit it.

He knows this was all because he didn't listen to that inner urge.  It's not always easy, is it, to hear that, to be attuned to it?  But he'll remember this.


  1. Oh, poor Marc! And not easy to confess these things either.

    1. He was intent on telling it, though. But how the heck did somebody hit a hawk, for heaven's sake? A little different than hitting a small animal that runs across the road at the wrong time.

    2. It must have been done on purpose. I have seen similar done here, especially if the bird was intent on eating. Very sad!

    3. You are probably right - even the smaller hawks are impossible to miss seeing. That's awful.

  2. I'm the same. Can't bear to see a dead creature left on the road to be squashed. Not right. Awful to think that it someone would hit a hawk.
