Monday, September 9, 2019

cream scones with currants

With my fall capsule menu in mind, what better thing to do with a box of currants than make cream scones and add some in?

They are in the freezer.

This little one had another shot today and she gained two pounds! In the last four weeks! That is double her previous weight, when we took her in. She still seems tiny to us.

Don't cats know how to look comfortable? But she was very tired from the shot, and the pill and the ride in that thing that she didn't like being inside.


  1. I love those little crossed paws! She is doing very well to have put on such weight so quickly!
    The cream scones look very nice <3

    1. Her appetite is astonishing. The scones are good - I had a small one! :)

  2. Sweet little lady! I can imagine how tired she was with all that unpleasant activity. Looks like she's growing and healthy.

    The scones look delicious and really make me want to ditch cleaning the bathrooms today and bake instead.
