Thursday, November 22, 2018

another reason to be thankful, or Where's the stuffing?

but I didn't even really hear that question.

I worked hard Monday, yesterday and today cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. I suppose I was a little bleary-eyed when we sat down. There were three of us, and our friend and my brother ate heartily, seeming to enjoy everything, taking extra helpings. Afterward, they retired to the living room while I did some cleanup.

we had a chicken this year

I was downstairs at the basement refrigerator when I remembered - and let out a yell. My brother came to the doorway, What's the matter? Did Dolly poop on the floor down there? 

No, I said, nothing like that. I just realized that I never served the stuffing. The STUFFING! Can you imagine? And nobody noticed.

And all I could be was thankful that the people I cook for are content to eat whatever I put on the table. Meanwhile, there are always leftovers.

the coldest Thanksgiving Day on record


  1. Oh, Lisa! This made me laugh out loud! I hope your brother apologised to Dolly for taking her name in vain! :D Stuffing is a favourite in our house and I am sure someone would have asked where it was if I had forgotten it. Fortunately it freezes well once cooked and will always come in useful.

    1. Glad to provide amusement, Clare. ;-) I gave some to our friend to take home and we'll have leftovers tomorrow. Then, maybe the freezer.

  2. oh that's funny! I was so worried about forgetting the yams because they were in the back of our fridge!!! I had 8 of us total and I had everything set up in advance and every bowl had a post-it note saying what was going in it; I have no memory and when more people come the more it goes and one of my friends helped man the stove and oven so I could get the appetizers going and such!

    1. You planned a little better than I did, I guess!

  3. Was it still in the refrigerator, or waiting cooked in the turkey?

    1. It was on the stove, inside one of the (multitude of) pots and pans! :D
