Monday, January 2, 2012

a bird on the plate

makes everything taste better.


  1. How beautiful! Although it is not my strength, presentation is such an important facet of enjoyment!
    Thank you for your comments on my little blog!

  2. Unless the bird eats it all. :-) It's bright and a bit out of my league, but I like it!

  3. You know, Nellie - I've just been re-reading Edith Schaeffer's "The Hidden Art of Homemaking", and she was just speaking of the importance of things like that.

    Hana, I saw these holiday luncheon plates in a Pier 1 ad, and fell in love with them, knowing that the red and white would look really good in the kitchen. But I didn't get over there till the summer. They still had them (not on sale though) and I bought eight! They're so festive.

  4. There are seven more where that came from!

  5. I love this plate - I'm a fan of pretty much anything with birds, leaves or tress on, gorgeous!

    1. Oh, I fell in love with this design instantly, and knew the red and white would be so nice in the kitchen! I only wish they were full sized, and not just luncheon plates.
