Saturday, December 31, 2011

a cozy New Year

It was quite foggy and rather gloomy around here all day -

but, with the tree on and Christmas music playing

very cozy within.

May you also have a cozy and safe New Year's Eve.


  1. Lisa, thank you for your comments on my little blog. I love reading them.

    It sounds like you had a good New Year's Eve planned. We opted to stay at home ourselves, after reviewing several possibilities. It was just as enjoyable.

    Happy New Year!

  2. That sounds ideal to me, Lisa. :) And happy holidays to you. :) My New Year's night was my fourth night in a row at work--I did about 50 hours in 4 days--so I have slept through the first days of 2012. I think it will feel like New Year's to me come Friday when I have a couple days off in a row again. :)

  3. Thank you, ladies! Val, I hope you will have a nice, holiday-ish weekend coming up - you will certainly have it coming to you! :) xoxo

    (Dolly is curled up under the tree right now, and wondering why everyone else can't do the same)

  4. Thank you, and o' to be a cat, right!? :)

  5. i love stay at home new year's eve nights...and that fog was something, wasn't it?

    p.s. dolly looks oh-so-very comfortable under that tree.
