Saturday, November 27, 2010

is this common?

The Thanksgiving cactus in the living room is a little late, but it's almost ready to bloom.

And I keep looking for more buds coming, because once it starts, it usually keeps going for a while. There's been one itty bitty one, but that's it until today, when I noticed these.

Do you see how they have appeared, not at the very end, but in between the sections?  I suppose I should remove the end one at least - ? It's not very pretty anyway, like it's been broken off. But I don't recall ever seeing that.  

Still, I'm glad it's going to keep going for a little bit.


  1. The Greek name for this plant is 'Patience' I posted pictures of mine in full bloom a little while ago. I've never seen a white one before.

  2. Yiota, when it blooms it's pale pink, pretty much. I wonder if it's pale because I starve it in order to get it to produce buds. I water it once a month or so, just so it's deprived of something. It gets loads of sun, being in a west facing window.

    It gets paler green without sufficient water - but that probably wouldn't affect the bloom color, would it?
