Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I was going to have to make dinner after work today, as there were no leftovers - oh, how I depend on leftovers! Anyway, the prediction was snow with ice to follow, and so the library closed at twelve thirty - how convenient! I had plenty of time to make dinner, and even get a doze in beforehand.

Snow outside, a short day at work, a nap - all contribute to that feeling of hygge which is getting so much attention these days. Debra gave me this book for Christmas and I finished it the other day. Different from others I've seen on the subject, less wordy - more hyggelig, I guess you could say! Very pleasant.

I decided to finish working on my jacket repair. That may be a funny way of putting it, but I wasn't able to finish sewing it. I just could not get the needle in that last section; I couldn't make stitches hold there or figure a way to secure it, so I just decided to be done. And I put a safety pin in that last space to keep it secure. And I'm leaving it that way. I am tired of not being able to wear this coat.

But I already have another jacket repair awaiting me: my brother's favorite has a pocket that's wearing out. I can easily make a pocket, but I'm not sure he how much picking at this jacket he wants me to do. If I can just crudely attach it in some way that'll hold, without getting heavily involved in picking seams apart, that will be preferable to all parties.

I'm liking these vases of evergreens


  1. I like the look of that hygge book, and your concise review makes it sound good all around. I didn't build a fire today because I wondered if the wood smoke were the reason my eyes were burning... so now it seems very unhyggish here, in my barn of a house. Later, under the covers in my bed, I will find my hygge!

    I like your evergreens, but your dishes much more!! Oh, chickens!

    1. Yes, it could be the smoke - that would be unfortunate! Yes, the dishes - I wish they had come in dinner size.

  2. I have that book! I must read it...one day, along with a million others awaiting me :))

    You are a better woman than I am. I admire your persistence in repairing the jacket, I would have given up long ago.

    I'm sure the safety pin will be very stylish :) xx

    1. The safety pin will not be seen!! Only you know of it. :D

  3. Replies
    1. I'm sure when you go to the pub and have a pint, that's hygge, Mike. ;)

  4. I have read no books about hygge but I know a little about it from TV/radio/etc. I am avoiding knowing any more, just as I have avoided reading about mindfulness and any of the other ways in which we can make our lives easier, more pleasant, calmer. Not because I think they wouldn't help me; they might or they might not; but because if I tried to follow the advice given I would eventually have to give up because of the gremlins in my house. Namely, Richard and Elinor. I arrange my kitchen cupboards so that I know where to find everything easily. I come back to them and find that Richard has been looking for something and has put everything back on the wrong shelves. I iron all the laundry and stack it neatly in the airing cupboard. I return to sort it out and put it away and see that Elinor has retrieved something and all is a jumble in there. Hmmm.... No matter what I say it makes no difference to them. I do not wish to nag, nag, nag all the time so usually I deal with it and start again. Moan over. :) I am pleased you've finished mending your parka and can wear it again. I hope your brother's jacket is easily done.

    1. Poor Clare!! And I mean it! As for actually practicing hygge - I can certainly see why it's so important in a place where it's dark such long hours for half the year, and everybody likes their degree of coziness. The biggest positive about hygge is the emphasis on relationships, I think. When you're "busy", this can fall by the wayside. Balance in everything is what we should be looking for, and the best way to find that is through God, because he is the one who can help us to be more human and to let everything in our lives fall into their proper place. Without his help, even something good like hygge can be over-emphasized. I like to take what good I can from all sorts of things, and leave what doesn't seem good, hoping I'm doing the right thing. :) I wish I had a solution to your gremlin problem, though. Just keep taking deep breaths and offer it up. (do Anglicans offer things up?) xo

    2. Thank you for your kindness, Lisa. Yes, we offer things up and yes, I take a deep breath and hope and pray that things improve. Quite often they do. :) I too, can see the reasoning behind hygge and other self help practices especially in places where there is so little light in the wintertime. Also, those who have no faith cannot see that having a faith in God would solve or alleviate most of their problems almost immediately! xo
