Sunday, January 26, 2025

fairyland, and other dreams

 Well, everybody was praising the "mildness" of the day - it was above freezing. 

Last Sunday night, it snowed. We woke up to a fairyland.

It was so cold all week, the four inches stayed. It's been in the single digits at night. Today was a pleasant reprieve, even though just around forty.

I finished the Star of Bethlehem book; the author's conclusion was it was probably a planetary conjunction. Would that really be so bright? I am no astronomer. The most interesting thing in the book turned out to be a quote from Franz Kafka:

"The Messiah will come as soon as the most unbridled individualism of faith becomes possible - when there is no one to destroy this possibility and no one to suffer its destruction.....The Messiah will come only when he is no longer necessary; he will come only on the day after his arrival; he will come, not on the last day, but on the very last."

That was written in 1935. I think we're almost there.

There was a very loud bang yesterday, like a bird hitting a window, only louder. We looked out to see a hawk, resting a way off from the house. He didn't stay long, and didn't seem hurt. 

The other day, Suzy Q, the library director mentioned the 250th "birthday" of Jane Austen. She said we should celebrate - well, her birthday's in December, so there's plenty of time to plan. But I went to the basement to get my regency dress. And I don't believe I've ever mentioned it here.  

I don't remember how many years ago, but I had discovered Jennie Chancey's website, Sense & Sensibility. She made period sewing patterns, and I bought this one.

I made it in a black watch plaid cotton flannel, with a black lining of - not sure I remember correctly. A broadcloth of some kind, probably a cotton/poly. The buttons are plain black plastic and there's a bit of cheap black nylon lace at the sleeve edge. I put black piping along the bodice seams!  (What has happened to my sewing mojo?)  I'll have to take a photo of it. Well, it doesn't fit me now, but I would never get rid of it. It must be the best thing I ever made! I had also made this pattern from a pretty quilting cotton in a soft green with a gentle dragonfly design over all and a bit of gold metallic shine here and there. I don't have that one anymore, but I found a photo on her site of me in it! Here it is.  I made it a little shorter so I could actually wear it. It's modeled after a dress Kate Winslet wore in Sense and Sensibility, here.  

Should I sew another Regency dress? Oh, my/

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