from Magnficat the other day:
"It has been well said that religion is not something; it is Someone. It is the Holy Trinity in us; it is Jesus, chosen and preferred.
My little children, abide in my love (from John 33). In thus asking you for your heart, Jesus gives you life. Love is life; it is the sun, the light, a divine warmth over our whole life. Without this love, you live a shallow life; you vegetate. Externally you do your spiritual exercises, fulfill the duties of your state in life, but if your heart is not there, life is not there. Without love, everything is painful, everything is tiring, everything is burdensome.
The cross, taken up hesitantly, is crushing; taken smilingly, by free will, and with love, it will carry you much more than you carry it. Love makes time eternal by giving a divine value to everything. There is an expression I do not life: We must carry out the duties of piety, a little like the duty to answer a letter, to pay a visit; or like the duties of servants toward their masters, although what Jesus wants is friendship. He will reward us for duties done because he is so good, but what an abyss between the two ways of doing things: for duty or for love. Louis Veuillot wrote, Dry duty is a cold and hard master who does not console anyone and who is terribly boring. Speak to me of loving God, that I may fulfill with joy the duty he assigns to me, and keep the great joy of love which is sacrifice. In this way, supernaturalize by love the duties of your state in life.
- Fr. Jean du Coeur de Jesus d'Elbee
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