Thursday, July 4, 2024

July Fourth holiday supplanted by rabbits

 A couple of weeks ago I notice one of the tomato plants on the side of the house was wilting, so I watered it. Meanwhile, my brother came home and said he saw some grass clippings scattered around that plant and he surmised it might be a rabbit's nest, so he was just going to call that plant a loss. There are more rabbits around.

I just was coming up from the basement and heard him call to me, hurry up, but carefully! There's a mother rabbit nursing her baby right out here at the foot of the back steps. Oh, my word, there was.
It was a haphazard affair, I have to say: she was sitting upright and the babe was just sort of hanging underneath, doing its best. It's a wonder that rabbits survive. It looked kind of like this.

She must have seen my brother's movements as he tried to take a photo, and ran off. The baby wandered around the driveway. 

On the same subject, he was mowing yesterday evening and complained afterward that three times a young rabbit suddenly appeared in the grass and ran off - he is very dismayed to think he might run one over some day, as they're impossible to spot. 

everything on the table was blue, so I had to find a red something

Anyway, this subject has almost trumped the fact that it's July 4th, and we had a nice time. I tried to make a red, white and blue dessert.

Raspberry crisp with blueberry coconut "ice cream".


  1. Your red and blue kitty cats are so cute. And your dessert looks delicious! xx

    1. Thank you, Lynda. I got the cats at the local Salvation Army store, and they have recently closed! There are other thrift stores, but that was a favorite. The dessert was just right for a warm day. xo
