Monday, June 17, 2024

the longest days

There's a bird who seems to sing when it's getting dark. He's the only one singing, and it's nice and loud, very melodious. Tonight, it made me turn to the window and there I saw a peach sky! I knew I wouldn't be able to capture it, so I just sat there, enjoying.

I think I saw our little patient in the garden this morning - at least, it was a small rabbit; there's no way I'll ever get close enough to tell if it's him.

 It's very much like summer now. We are going to have days in the nineties for the next five days; they're warning us to be careful. I made dinner early in the day, and that was the smartest thing I did. It didn't heat up the house much, and I had that work behind me.

Somebody just set off something quite loud out my window. It's nine o'clock, and dark. My brother said it sounded like a cherry bomb. It sounded to me right out my window! Well, as long as they don't do it all night. 

I am putting the green dress aside - in this weather, it seems heavy. I can't stand the thought of it! I've got some pretty deep blue lawn and I'll choose a skirt pattern for it. Something nice and floaty, I hope. 

I discovered a new bread cookbook, and the method is quicker and with a much wetter dough. The loaves are small but I don't care about that. This is something I won't mind doing in summer, if bread is needed.


  1. Those loaves look lovely! I am on a breadmaking hiatus, and don't even have a bit in the freezer. Doesn't seem quite right, a home without bread...

    We don't have any days as warm as yours in the near future, which is probably good, or I would want to just sit around reading and drinking iced rooibos :-)

    Gretchen Joanna

    1. Thank you! These loaves are quite small; four cups of flour for both! But I'm not looking for sandwich bread, necessarily, just to have some bread around, if needed, and this recipe is fast. The dough is so wet, I guess it makes the risings quicker.
