Tuesday, June 4, 2024

in season and out of season


Yes. This is an amaryllis growing on our property. I am as surprised as you are; we're in zone six.

My brother got one in a pot at Christmas, and couldn't just toss it afterward. He stuck it in the ground, in front, right against the foundation. He just stuck it there, sticking up, in the winter. Obviously there was no snow, and last winter wasn't terribly cold. 

And here we are - it bloomed. I can't say I like amaryllis. But it is rather fantastical looking, here in New England. I feel like we should move it to a spot where it will "fit in". But it's a southwest exposure, and near to the house - it wouldn't do better anywhere else. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about them, and it's been a long time since anyone gave me one. I don't remember what happened to the bulbs of the ones I did have. Here, they probably could get by in most winters...

    My father had a bougainvilla that survived many winters with temps well below freezing, definitely not in its proper zone, because it grew against the chimney. But one year, the frost was extra hard, and it died.

    Gretchen Joanna
