Monday, May 20, 2024

suddenly it's summer

 The scent of grass as its being mowed. The musical conversation of the catbirds. Going from flannel to muslin nightwear, overnight!

The lawn is a little squishy, but the sun came out and it's going to be full summer for a few days this week. I went out to the garden to spread some compost and grass clippings around but am still not sure if it's ready for plants. But I don't have plants anyhow - I set up the greenhouse nice and early, but never started any seeds in the house - the thought of Daisy getting hold of them made me hesitate and then I was paralyzed. Meanwhile, April winds knocked the greenhouse over twice - good thing it was empty at the time. And all the rain we've been having, and not being sure the raised bed was quite ready - well, looking back I'm actually glad I didn't start the seeds without being certain. I'll just have a late start.

Yesterday was Pentecost. "In our labor, rest most sweet; grateful coolness in the heat." And now the season of Easter is over.


  1. I am sure you were sensible to wait. The seeds will catch up in no time at all now. :)

  2. I wish I could smell that fresh-mown grass!

    My garden is getting a late start this year, too. Sometimes when that happens, the plants are extra healthy, I guess because they like growing in the soil that is thoroughly warm.

    1. You're making me feel very badly, Gretchen! But, as to your latter point, that's what I am hoping. :)

  3. Why would you feel bad? I thought I was being encouraging!

    Gretchen Joanna

    1. No, Gretchen! I feel badly for you, that I can't help you to smell the grass. :) xo

  4. I was trying to make you feel better, not bad! How did I achieve the opposite?

    1. My dear lady, you said you wished you could smell the grass! I feel sorry for anyone who wishes they could smell the cut grass!!
      I also feel sorry for those who don't get snow in winter, who don't have fireflies or mockingbirds. For anyone who doesn't experience four seasons. Who can't appreciate Shakespeare, or the Truth of Jesus. Who have never seen the ocean, or don't find life interesting. :)

    2. Ah... okay. You have my permission to feel bad for me about fireflies and snow as well, though I have experienced them, just not regularly. The past winter was the first in a while that I didn't travel to see one of my children who lives in a snowy climate.

      I hope that I will never have to live where I can't easily visit the ocean beach, though if that happens, I'm sure I will either be in a condition either not to feel the loss, or to have enough mind left to enjoy memories of it.

      Gretchen Joanna

    3. Gretchen, last night before bed I looked out the window and saw sparkles and flashings so beautiful - delightful in the extreme.
      I live one hour from the shore. ;-)
