Tuesday, September 5, 2023

two favorites

 I noticed that the cats were vying for the north window in the spare bedroom; my room has the same exposure, so I looked out. I have no idea what caught their attention, but a mockingbird was quietly on a post in the garden.

I rarely see them - I don't think we have much in our yard to attract mockingbirds; they like berries and sweet things, not seeds so much.

And then there was a catbird nearby, at the hedge where they spend their summers -

I was hoping from these photos that the similarity between them would be obvious, but I don't know if it is. They are very much related. I don't know when the catbirds leave because they get so quiet towards the end of summer. I should call Audubon and ask. 

Small enjoyments. 


  1. Small enjoyments are a continual delight!

    1. Yes, we need to make a point of looking for them, don't we!

  2. The birds have grown quiet here too. I suppose they are preoccupied with thoughts of migration which has already begun. I so miss those songs of long summer days. Mary @ Hilltop Post

    1. Yes, the quiet of later summer has a melancholy tone. :)
