Monday, September 25, 2023

an overdue visit

 Hurricane Ophelia has been passing by at a distance, and so there's been a couple of rainy days here. I spent some time today switching out some paintings and other knick-knacky things for the season. I can finish another day.

We drove out a way for lunch at some friends' house - my brother was their best man, years ago. They have a lovely home, and I forgot to take my camera along. The closet space in these newer homes is astounding! - but a very nice visit in an old-fashioned and picturesque part of their town. They prayed such a nice grace before the meal, with Bob saying the prayer, but Darlene frequently mm-hmming in agreement; it was so heartfelt.

They have a collection of colored glass bottles here and there - some of them older but not worth much, some in the dark brownish-green, and from around the Revolutionary War period. I've always liked colored glass. We knew an elderly woman when I was a child; she owned a Victorian-era house and had knick knacks on every end table. I loved going there. It wasn't until much later that I began to appreciate having fewer things to deal with when dusting. But Bob and Darlene didn't have too much, but a good balance.

"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

                                                 - Galatians 5:22-23

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really lovely visit! In Listening Valley by DE Stevenson she has a character that collects old glass bottles .. It’s a lovely novel set during WWII published in 1944 so while the war was still going on. I love reading about your life !
