Sunday, June 18, 2023

little tribulations

Yesterday. In line at the supermarket, and, going through. the cap to the liquid laundry detergent popped off and detergent ran out. It went all over the checkout area, where the bagging takes place. My brother was bagging and he helped the cashier wipe it all up, but liquid soap? Not so easy to clean up. (Thank God, no fragrance!) I ran and got another, but what a strange thing!  

At home, I was unpacking the groceries and I realized the long shrink-wrapped cukes felt soapy. And so did one of the bags. I had to rinse everything in the utility sink in the basement. With Daisy's help. She arrived in time to watch the water go out of the sink.

Meanwhile, my brother has ripped out many of the tiles in the tub area, and it has to dry out thoroughly before he can put them back, so it's sponge baths for a while. I helped him out by scrubbing the tiles clean; this took a while, and I ended up stabbing a screwdriver into my palm. Not as bad as it sounds! It wasn't sharp, so didn't hurt so much. I just have to keep it clean (which is a bit hard with hands).


  1. Hmm... there is definitely a theme of soap and washing and baths here! A spill of liquid detergent sounds like a checker's nightmare.

    1. You should have seen the pile of paper towels!

  2. Oh no!!! I hope your hand has recovered.

    1. Oh, yes! I took very good care of it, and it was really nothing in the end.
