Thursday, May 25, 2023

ups and downs

 I was thinking that the day has gone by and I hadn't accomplished so much. But sometimes you get an inspiration to do a thing here, and another there, and it doesn't take long but you've done something that's been hanging over your head for ages. And it was quick, and rather easy. 

I finished reading God's Hotel, and was poking through my book pile. I found something which we'd withdrawn from the library, called From Laurel Hill to Siler's Bog: The Walking Adventures of a Naturalist. It's not exactly a journal, but a chronicle of the author's time in the Chapel Hill (North Carolina) area, studying the animal and plant life. As naturalists do. 

Books like this are very pleasant and quiet to spend time with.  He mentions a spot called Morgan's Creek, named after a Mark Morgan who settled there with his wife, but "until he could build a cabin from the surrounding forest, he and his wife lived by his creek in the hollow trunk of a tall sycamore, ten or twelve feet across." Well! Can you imagine? I wonder how long they lived like that. I hope their marriage was a happy one.

A month after starting my blouse, and there's an issue, so I'm stopped for a while. I would just like to work on a sewing project which goes along from beginning to end, without any out-of-the-way problems. But I also don't want unfinished projects to pile up. A mending pile seems normal, but other piles I don't want.

I brought home a cookbook the other day, which is all one "pot" recipes, but not all in pots, exactly. A chapter on skillet meals, one on the slow cooker, another is oven dishes, etc. This one is a keeper, for the oven, on a high temperature. It's got chicken in it, three carrots, some frozen peas and a yogurt and lime sauce which you stir in afterward. Very tasty!


  1. Well, I'm trying to imagine living in a tree trunk with my beloved... but don't want to spend too much time on that project. I'm glad it was never necessary in our case.

    Your chicken dish sounds like very nice comfort food! As to sewing, so many of my efforts to sew for myself over the years presented some problem requiring re-do's -- it still makes me sad, to think about that aspect of sewing. But I'm planning to sew again, I am.

    1. There are times when I'd look at the problem as an obstacle to be overcome, but this time I just wanted to make a garment, from start to finish, just following instructions and ending up happily. ;)

  2. the dish looks like something my family would eat. And speaking of sewing, I have not tried to sew clothing really, but even in sewing quilts and table runners, there are sometimes those pesky problems crop up from time to time.

    1. I should probably explain what it was, but I just felt like complaining when I wrote this post. :D

  3. I hate it when a problem arises which can't be dealt with quickly. I have to leave these projects for some time until i get over the feelings of disappointment and frustration. I am left with a guilty feeling which is usually dealt with by my being brave and getting the sewing or knitting out again and trying to finish the work. Life is never simple; we find tripping hazards wherever we go and we are taught humility, I suppose though as often as not all I yearn to do is give something a kick!

    1. Yes, I think it's usually more honest to leave it until you are past those frustrated feelings. Although, sometimes you have to go on, and it's interesting when the process forces you to "get over the hump", so to speak. :)

    2. And your observations are always wise and interesting, Clare. xo

    3. Thank you, Lisa. I enjoy responding to your posts because they make me think about the problems that beset me or the things I enjoy. xo

  4. The book sounds good, the meal looks yummy, and I'm doing some sewing repairs today. A little here and there and things soon get done :) xx

    1. Yes, the book sure was good. There are so many good books, too many. :D

  5. Wow. That is some innovative and make-do housing accomodations there! I have a vauge sense of hearing (when we visited CA in 2021) about someone living inside a burned out redwood tree, but I can't recall the specifics. I will have to ask Matt if he remembers.

    Too bad about the sewing difficulties. I can remember one dress that went together easy-peasy--I didn't have to rip out any errant stitches or anything--and it was a pretty over the moon feeling. Those are the moements we dream of! Too bad it so rarely happens that way... I have quite a few (dare I say too many) half-finished projects going. I should circle back and see if any jive better with me now that we've had a little time apart. :) Best of luck when you circle back to the blouse.
