Thursday, April 13, 2023

Easter Thursday

The morning kindles all the sky,
The heavens resound with anthems high,
The shining angels as they speed,
Proclaim, "The Lord is risen indeed!"

I found a new podcast, from First Things, and today they're speaking to a Lutheran pastor. One of this week's sponsors is an online music station called Lutheran Public Radio, and they are playing music for the 50 days of Easter, going up to Pentecost. It seems to be traditional hymns and classical-type music, and I'm going to tune in now and then.

I picked up another Brother Cadfael mystery, because Cadfael and most of the monks are good company, and I love the Middle Ages. I am also knitting a pair of hand warmers for a co-worker. For Christmas. No, not next Christmas, but the recent one. It has not taken me four months to knit two mitts, but I have had more setbacks of all kinds for this project - well, I could never begin to relate, but it's been strange. Anyway, I ended up buying her something else so I could continue knitting in some sort of peace. 

I'm almost finished! Just in time for the warm weather. (It was around ninety today, and will be again tomorrow!)


  1. I don't think I could cope with 90 degrees in April! We were about 56 degrees today which was really nice and I did some gardening at last. The hand warmers are a gorgeous colour! I love Cadfael too, as I've said before. Quite a lot of the original 11th century Abbey church still survives despite damage during the reformation and also in Oliver Cromwell's time. It is a patchwork church like most old churches with newer bits added on. When we visited some years ago they were doing Cadfael tours and talks but we didn't take part. I wonder if they still do them?

    1. At least it was cool at night! I'm sure the Cadfael popularity has waned, since she's been gone for quite a while now, and no new stories. Years ago I tried to join St. Winifred's Guild, but it was confusing, due to the exchange rates, I guess. I really like the medieval saints. :)

    2. I do too! I have a book of saints which includes many of the more obscure British ones and I used it each day this Lent to discover more about them. Fascinating!

  2. Thanks for the link. I'm going to share it with my mother-in-law.

    Best of luck with your knitting. All in due time.
