Thursday, November 3, 2022

little bird

 My brother came home from work holding a small box. A little bird hit their window, and didn't survive. But he looked so perfect in the box, with his little eye open as if he was fine. Poor thing! He brought the box out to his pickup, and only then did I take the bird guides to try and identify it. So, going from memory, I think it may have been a brown creeper. It looks like this

this picture is from the internet

I want to see him again in the morning, to make sure - it seems important that we know what he is. I have heard of brown creepers, but they don't come to the feeder, or near the house. It got me thinking of all the wildlife that you don't see, so you don't know about it, and they carry on their lives nearby and you're unaware of it. It seems to me that if creatures are living on your property, it's a good thing to know it, and know about their life cycles. But then it seems like the idea of property seems almost ridiculous in light of these other beings, who are living nearby. (I am NOT one of those who thinks private property should be done away with! Just for the record.) 


  1. It's a rather lovely thought though wildlife one does not see but is there ❤️

  2. Brown Creepers are so well camoflagued they're tricky to pick out, I've found. We've come across a handful of them in the woods--and one in town. They have a really unusual way of moving up and down the tree trunks. Very cool to watch, though that might be because they're not so common for me. Poor thing. I'm touched that you took the time to learn about him/her. That's sweet.

  3. Such a cute little thing, and it's back feathers sure look like tree bark!
