Sunday, November 27, 2022

changing over to winter

It was time to take away the fall decorations; the little pumpkins were wrinkled up, anyway. 

It didn't occur to me to freeze them for soup stock; I don't make it in the summer, so I'm out of practice in thinking about it. And I don't bother much with composting in the winter. 

I cut it up and put it outside in a bowl, in case any outdoor creatures would eat it - I have no idea! 

While out there I walked around - it was very overcast today. Past the shed there's a new ornamental cherry, like the one in the front yard. 

With one leaf on it. It's one of five young trees we bought this summer. 

It's pretty delicate looking, isn't it? It was nice to just poke around the bare bushes and trees for a minute. 

"I suppose all woods everywhere are really just different bits of the one wood, pushing up through the earth like the different bits of sky that shine through the clouds are the same sky."

Elizabeth Goudge, The Herb of Grace (aka Pilgrim's Inn)


  1. I love that quote from Elizabeth Goudge! I really must get around to reading one of her books one day. When I was a girl, hardly anyone celebrated Halloween, most people knew the date as All Hallows Eve - the day before All Hallows. In the last thirty or forty years Halloween has become very popular in Britain and many people buy pumpkins and carve them and in the towns and cities the children go trick-or-treating like in the USA. Lots of people have been leaving the pumpkins out for the wild animals but it has been discovered that if hedgehogs eat them they become very unwell. It isn't a native vegetable though I expect Muntjac deers eat them because they appear to eat anything! We have been advised to make sure that pumpkins are left well off the ground and out of reach of the hedgehogs. If it were me I'd just compost them! :)

    1. Clare, you simply must read something of hers! Her books have a very healing something. I will suggest A City of Bells, which is the first I read of hers. Nothing heavy about it!
      I suppose if we had a compost pile in the yard, I'd put things in it all year. But I have a batch composter, which needs to be filled up, then left to finish the work, then emptied out and used. Also, when my wits are about me, I like to save veg ends for stock - I said when my wits are about me. 8-) Anyway, I just ran outside and no one had touched them.

    2. :D My wits have completely abandoned me!
