Thursday, May 26, 2022

a prayer on the Ascension of the Lord

Loving Father,
because of the
 Ascension of your Son
 our human nature
is now at home with you in heaven.
 May this truth
be our lasting encouragement and hope. 

- from Magnificat, May 2022


  1. Glory to God!


    p.s. It's not all Blogger blogs after all, that I have difficulty commenting on. Some of them seem to operate the same old way. Did your comment settings get updated recently? Don't fret about it in any case. I can still use "Anonymous" which I guess is not a problem for anyone as long as I remember to put my name in the comment.

    1. I haven't updated anything, Gretchen. It's a puzzle to me, but I'm sorry about it. :(

  2. It's such a heartwarming truth
