Monday, March 7, 2022

moving into Lent

 The robins are back.

 I've already washed two of my warm and woolly turtlenecks. Even though it's been kind of cold, it's almost spring and I have crewneck sweaters which can keep me warm enough. 

Our friend came over yesterday and I thought a fruit dessert would be nice for a Sunday in Lent, not too dessert-y. I had cranberries in the house, so I made a cranberry crisp. The recipe I use is for pears or apples and it always works well, but I hadn't ever made one with only cranberries. I put thickener in it - flour. I used maple syrup instead of sugar. It came out too thick, and too tart. What to do? 

I got an idea - I got out some fancy dessert dishes and put some in each. At serving time, I plopped plain yogurt on top and drizzled a bit of maple syrup over all. A lovely dessert! I was a little nervous about the tart yogurt over the tart berries, but my brother said it tasted good with the "whipped cream". I told him I'd remember that he thought my yogurt tastes like whipped cream. 

I think that cranberries have so much pectin, they don't need thickener. Next time.

Like last year, I am playing my chant music during Lent and I was reminded how much Sweetie enjoyed it last year. Was she really around a year ago?  Meanwhile, Dolly eschewed the monks of Norcia and listened to Bolero, of all things. It was on the radio. I kept laughing; there's something funny about that, even in this house.

Dolly listening to Bolero

She didn't mind when it gets loudish, at the end. She liked it. Of course.

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