Monday, January 17, 2022

scones for hermits

 It's the feast of St. Anthony, the hermit. Why didn't I think to make hermits? But it's getting late, the butter is in the freezer and there is bread in the oven. I've got to start on the soup. Oh, blast! But I did make scones earlier, and they are spiced and homey - they'll have to do.

O raise your voices! Wake the world!
And let your songs of praise be heard!
For both in town and desert waste
God's glory finds a dwelling place.


  1. I wondered what you meant when you wrote you should have made hermits as I only knew about hermits as anchorites etc. So I looked them up. Very nice but I'm sure the scones are just as good if not better! :)

    1. Hermits are a New England invention, Clare. I'm pretty sure they were brought along on whaling trips because they kept very well. When I was a kid, we bought packages of them at the supermarket; they were cut in bars. Later I learned to bake them. They contain molasses and some spices; they're low-ish and more chewy than cakey, but not gooey like brownies can be. They're really good! But the scones came out well, too. :)

  2. Thank you, Lisa. They sound good so I might try to bake them some time :)

  3. Oh, I like the sound of hermits. I shall have to Google what they are! I am hoping to be up early enough tomorrow to make scones for us to eat at sofa church. Although it's past midnight now... I think our scones are different from your scones. Or is that biscuits?

    1. Mags, the word "hermits" is a link to a recipe. They're a bar cookie. I think our scones are same as yours, but it's the biscuits: we call them cookies. If I'm not mistaken. To us, a biscuit is more of a savory thing made with baking powder.
      When you say sofa church - you mean, you're watching it on tv? I never heard that term. :)
