Saturday, November 13, 2021

bare trees and birds

There is a group of bushes next to the grocery store entrance, and every week lately - for how long, I don't know because I haven't always paid attention - it sounds like dozens of birds talking and fussing in there, every week in the late afternoon, when we go in and when we come out.  Last week it was dark, but they still chattered. I was there earlier today and the bushes were quiet, so it's an end-of-the-day thing. I wonder what they talk about. 

Speaking of birds at the supermarket, while I was in the checkout line a woman came in with a scarlet and blue macaw; I'm not kidding! The young cashier and bagger were saying, "Here it is again", and complaining about the raucous cries. A therapy bird? She was holding it close to her chest - how did she manage to gather her groceries? 

Many of the leaves came off the trees yesterday in some very strong winds and warm rain. Today was bright and beautiful; we have one window where I always admire the trees and their branches.

The same scene late afternoon, during a wild thunderstorm

I never tire of looking out, while I'm doing things around the house.

Speaking of which, there is a patch of brilliant red across the brook, which I can see plainly from the kitchen, but I wanted to take a picture. It didn't transfer to the photo. I couldn't capture it for anything. Of course, I do need a new point-and-shoot. But I see these bright, bright reds around town and they're so beautiful - not burning bush, though - it's just a patch of something, growing where the birds planted it, but I'm afraid it's poisonous so I'm reluctant to pick any. I really need to continue my identifications of the plant life on our property.

There were a few holiday book returns at the library yesterday. I wasn't thinking of Christmas at all yet, with my mind on planning the Thanksgiving menu, but these books are hard to resist when they cross my path.

So I took it home. I'll see if there's anything in there that might be helpful. 


  1. Those bare branches do look lovely! I like to look out on the trees round our house too - so calming! The colour red can be very difficult to capture with a camera, I find. I was admiring our scarlet-leaved acer yesterday and thought I ought to photograph it but then got distracted and forgot to do it. This morning I looked out and most of the leaves had dropped off overnight - typical!!

    1. Yes! Yesterday I noticed the cherry tree had finally turned yellow. Overnight.
