Sunday, February 7, 2021

soft and white

 Another day of snow! We thought it would start early, but it hadn't when we got to church - I wore my boots anyway. And after, when we opened the doors, snow was falling briskly and was fast covering everything. It's always exciting! I was happy to hear a young father say, "all right!" when he saw it, like a big kid himself.

In no time, everything was looking beautiful. Birds were flying to and from the feeder seemingly in shifts, different ones each time.

It snowed all day, piling up.

and then when it was dusk, I got one more picture.

you can see the light reflected on the window, and it isn't very clear, 
but it was so beautiful.

"... the delight and glory of a beautiful melody; the enchantment of light as it shimmers through stained glass; the restorative kindness of a gentle embrace; the sudden, arresting joy of a fragrant aroma; the nourishing warmth of a good meal... This divine expressivity presses out in every corner of our lives." 

                                                           - from Sensing God, by Joel Clarkson


  1. What a beautiful quote! And such lovely photographs, too <3 It snowed all day here as well and is still snowing now at 1.40 am! I should be in bed but it has been a strange day and I can't rest just yet.

    1. Goodness, Clare! Well, you can always nap tomorrow, if need be! I hope you are enjoying your snow. You have me wondering at your strange day, though. :)

  2. Beautiful - images and verse! xx

    1. I was thinking of you when I was reading this book, Lynda - you might like it.

  3. oh that's just lovely!!! I get so excited about snow I am giddy! :) Looks like Joel's new book is a good one - have you read it/do you own it?

    1. I belong to Joy's patreon, and our group is reading it slowly, for a discussion. I've read one chapter - you would probably like it, Elizabeth!

  4. We got more + more snow. And colder temperatures! I remember last Sunday as it was a snowy yet warm day.
